Just Another Paradigm

Friday, January 01, 2021




Lihatlah disekeliling kita, penuh dengan benda-benda, seperti pepohonan, bunga, tanah, air, udara, besi, ada berbagai makhluk hidup, seperti kucing, sapi burung dan lain lain. 
Mulai dari yang dekat, sampai yang jauh, mulai dari yang kecil sampai yang besar.
Mulai dari debu, bebatuan, gunung-gunung, bumi, matahari, bintang gemintang, sampai galaxy.. 
Bahkan lihatlah pada diri kita sendiri, ada 2 bola mata untuk melihat, ada sepasang kaki untuk berjalan, dan sepasang tangan, ada otak untuk berfikir, ada sistem peredaran darah, sistem pernafasan, sangan kompleks sekali. 
 Apakah semua ini bisa tiba tiba ada dengan sendirinya tanpa ada yang menciptakan? 
Dialah Tuhan yang menciptakan semua nya. 

 Jika kita lihat lagi lebih dalam terhadap alam semesta disekeliling kita, semuanya pasti terdiri dari atom - atom, baik itu dari atom hidrogen, atom karbon, dan lain lain.. meskipun atom - atom ini bermacam-macam, tapi ada kesanaam: terdiri dari proton, netron dan elektron. 
Sehingga tambah takjublah kita, mulai dari debu sampai galaxy, semuanya diciptakan oleh Tuhan yg sama, dengan bahan baku yang sama: proton, netron dan elektron. 

Dengan memahami hal diatas tadi, banyak sekali hal yang dapat kita simpulkan: 
1. Tuhan lah yang menciptakan semua yang ada di alam semesta ini. 
2. Tuhan itu satu, dan dia sangatlah maha kuasa, sangat pintar, maha menentukan, maha menciptakan. 3. Semua yang ada di alam semesta ini, bisa berjalan dengan teratur, pastilah karena di atur dan dikendalikan oleh Tuhan. 
4. Tuhan, pastilah maha melihat dan maha mendengar. 
5. Tidak ada satu hal pun yang bisa menandingi kesempurnaan Tuhan 
6. Apapun di alam semesra ini, baik Mahatari, bulan dan bintang, manusia, bukanlah Tuhan, akan tetapi semuanya adalah ciptaan tuhan. 
7. Tuhan itu pastilah berbeda dengan ciptaan nya (alam semesta). 

 Dengan memahami hal ini, akal manusia hanya bisa menangkap sampai pada Adanya Tuhan,
tentang siapa nama-Nya, dimanakah Dia berada, akal kita tidak bisa mengetahui hal ini, 
kita hanya bisa tahu penjelasan Tuhan itu sendiri tentang diri-Nya. 

 Dari semua agama-agama yang ada di dunia, hanya agama Islam lah, yang konsep ke-tuhanan-nya, sama dengan kesimpulan diatas, 

 1. Katakanlah (Muhammad), "Dialah Allah, Yang Maha Esa. 
2. Allah tempat bergantung/meminta segala sesuatu. 
3. (Allah) tidak beranak dan tidak pula diperanakkan. 
4. Dan tidak ada sesuatu yang setara dengan Dia. 


Dan apakah orang-orang kafir tidak mengetahui bahwa langit dan bumi keduanya dahulunya menyatu, kemudian Kami pisahkan antara keduanya; dan Kami jadikan segala sesuatu yang hidup berasal dari air; maka mengapa mereka tidak beriman? (Quran: al anbiya:30) 

Dialah (Allah) yang menciptakan segala apa yang ada di bumi untukmu kemudian Dia menuju ke langit, lalu Dia menyempurnakannya menjadi tujuh langit. Dan Dia Maha Mengetahui segala sesuatu. (Al baqarah: 29)


 Aku tidak menciptakan jin dan manusia melainkan agar mereka beribadah kepada-Ku.(Qur'an Adz dariyat: 56)
(Dialah Allah) Yang menciptakan mati dan hidup, untuk menguji kamu, siapa di antara kamu yang lebih baik amalnya. Dan Dia Mahaperkasa, Maha Pengampun. (Qur'an: Al Mulk : 2)

Friday, July 20, 2007

How Do We Determine Which Religion Is True ? (2)

Have you investigated your Sacred book?

Currently, there is only one "original/authentic sacred book" on this universe that fit with those previous standard..
Because god does always right.. you'll never find even 1 misatake on that sacred book..
Because god does always right.. you'll never find even 1 contradiction on that sacred book..
Because anyone may doubt that the sacred book is really come from God,
God challenge his creature to create at least 1 verses like god does written on the sacred book..
God provide his last messanger with many miracles..

Because god is all Knowing..
you'll find how god create man..
you'll find how god create universe..
you'll find how god expanding universe..
you'll find information about orbital planets..
you'll find information that mountain is moving..
you'll find science/modern science on it..
you'll find history about past time..
you'll find history about messangers of God..
you'll find history about Adam, Noah, Abraham, moses, Jesus..
you'll find the same consistent messages from god first messanger untill his last messanger.
you'll find information about future time..
you'll never find doubt on it..

Because God promise to guarantee it..
Since 1400 years, that sacred book is still be authentic/ original.
God provide his last messanger with miracles..

Because god has Absolute truth..
All other religion which is not come from him, cancel by god..
God create a single, permanent way of life

The "original & authentic sacred book (scripture)" is Qoran...
(moslems sacred book)..

1. There is no Doubt in Qoran.., You wont find a word "i think.., it maybe.." or anything like that.. never...
[see reference 1 below]

2. Qoran is (and will be) still authentic... there is no sigle word changed/deleted/added on qoran since 1400 years ago.
and even one single letter.. nobody could change..
because God has guaranteed on this.. [see reference 2 below]
Even someone translate to many language, the original one is still keep in arabic..
you can compare qoran at time of muhammad and current qoran.

3. Quran give challenge human, "no single creature" can make at least 1 verses like qoran does.
and after 1400 years... no one can do it..
[see reference 3 below]

4. Because qoran is really come from god, and god can do no wrong, so.. there is no single statement wrong on qoran.
if you dont believe, please check... millions people from 1400 years couldnt find it.
[see reference 4 below]

5. Because qoran is come from god,and god create anything,
so Quran also talk about how god creates universe, how god creates man, and so on..
1400 years ago Quran has already talked about modern science..
Qoran fully convidence to talk about orbital planet, quran talk
about relativity of time, qoran talk about expanding of universe...
and so on..
Quran fully confident to say "moon has splited", we wait NASA to observes this..
[see reference 5 below]

6. Because god can do no wrong, You'll never found a contradiction between its verses.. like other bibles does..
[see reference 4 below]

7. Many verses on Qoran tells us about past time and future time..

8. Quran tell about it self that qoran is come from god (Allah)
[see reference 4 below]

Those are some of the miracles of qoran..


1. "This is the Book; in it is guidance sure, without doubt, to those who fear Allah;"
[Qoran 2:2]

2. "Surely We have revealed the Reminder and We will most surely be its guardian."
[Qoran 15:9]

3. "And if ye are in doubt concerning that which We reveal unto Our slave (Muhammad), then produce a surah of the like thereof, and call your witness beside Allah if ye are truthful."
[Qoran 2:23]

4. "Will they not then ponder on the Qur'an? If it had been from other than Allah they would have found therein much incongruity."
[Qoran 4:82]

5. Modern science on qoran:

a. Expanding of universe:
"And it is We who have constructed the heaven with might, and verily, it is We who are steadily expanding it."(Qoran 51:47)

b. Movement of mountain:
"You will see the mountains you reckoned to be solid going pass like clouds: (such is) the artistry of God, who disposes of all things in perfect order: for He is well acquainted with all that ye do. "
(Qoran. 27:88)

c. orbital planets:
"And He it is Who created the night and the day, and the sun and the moon. They float, each in an orbit. "(Qoran Al-anbiyaa:33)

"And the Sun runs his course for a period determined for him: that is the decree of (Him), The Exalted in Might, the All knowing." (QS.Al- Anbiyaa:38)

d. Moon split:
"The Hour (of Judgment) is nigh, and the moon is cleft asunder." [Qoran 54:1]

e. Red Rose Nebula:
The explosion of Stars (FORMING RED ROSES), Universe in the Noble Quran had been confirmed By NASA
See Picture of the "Red Rose" explosion captured by NASA. http://antwrp.gsfc.nasa.gov/apod/ap991031.html
Quran says 1400 years ago:
"And when the heaven splitteth asunder and becometh ROSY LIKE RED HIDE
(The Noble Quran, 55:37)"


How Do We Determine Which Religion Is True ? (1)

Every follower of a religion claim that their religion is true.. and
other religions are false..
Thats OK..
To be fair with any religion (hindu, budha, confusius, judaism,cristian, islam, bla.. bla..)

Please take a look on following hints:

1. God creates everything, God is the All knowing..

2. God always does right and can do no wrong. Man can do wrong, and
can do right.

3. God sent many prophets and messangers. and God provided them with
"miracles" as proof of truth..

4. All of those messangers brought messages from god.

5. Messages from god were written in a Sacred book (Scripture).
i mean, word "Sacred book(scripture)" is main book or main reference on each religion.. for example : cristian has bible, budha has weda, islam has qoran
and so on..
From now on, we called it "original & authentic Sacred book (Scripture)"...

6. Because god can do no wrong, any statement in "original & authentic
Sacred book (Scripture)" cant also be wrong.

7. After messanger passed away, no one can guarantee "god's statements/
teachings/rules" on the Sacred book, because their followers may
change, delete, add "god's statements/teachings/rules"... due to
political reasons, or any reason.

8. If we find a "true statement" on a Sacred book, this maybe god's
statement. And if we find a "wrong statement" on it, it must be a human
statement added on it.

9. If we find at least 1 wrong statement on Sacred book.., it means
"original & authentic Sacred book (Scripture)" is no longer be

10. Because god can do no wrong, there should be no contradiction
between verses on Sacred book..

11. God is the All knowing, there should be no doubt in the sacred
book.. For example: we should never find word "i think, ", "maybe," or
anything like that..

Ok, what is your sacred book?...
Let's investigate..

Have a nice day...
